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for insights & inspiration to turn your wisdom into wealth using your invisible impact.

Turn your wisdom into wealth using your invisible impact...

I guide passionately creative, midlife light LeadHERs to turn wisdom into wealth using their Invisible Impact.

Midlife women usually discover me in Divine perfect timing to embody the natural state of inner BLISS, reconnect with the Divine Self, break free of cycles of lack and limit, step into Divine Purpose, recalibrate energy, create a radiant Soul Signature offering  

and fully tap into the overflow of Inner Divine Wealth.

Ancient + Quantum advanced levels of spiritual teachings infuse
DIVINE LIGHT process supports a breakthrough of limiting wealth paradigms and opens the heart to creating life and business with rich rested ease... charging their worth... adding VAT!

*doing less*
*being more *
*keeping it simple*
*impacting immensely*


We are living in ExtraOrdinary Times

By 2030 there will be One Billion midlife women on Mother Gaia.

You know in your womb that you are here to Serve Greatly.

You also know that forcibly
over extending energy
and over working are unsustainable ideas, saturated into a crumbling patriarchal system that
NO LONGER serves.

YOU ARE HERE because there is a calling in your heart to Serve BIG and you know this is what you have come to Mother Gaia at this time to do. 

I honour you, your YES to fully step into Light LeadHership and PROSPER in all ways is a transformational beacon of empowerment for  collective consciousness.


Not all of us were taught to harness energy and intentionally use consciousness TO TAP INTO OUR INATE POWER for empowered living.


Collective awareness for holistically and spiritually

EMBODYING menopause and midlife



We weren't all opened to divine

Feminine and Masculine 

Equity in business, entrepreneurship

and investment knowledge and opportunities.

The wounded healer, starving artist archetype runs rampant amongst spiritual community, creatives and seekers.
A mass consciousness message of poverty is woven into the collective psyche.


No shame no blame, we each played our part in this, doing the best with what we knew at the time.

AND with one decision to break the cycle and change this story, there is a setting free for a new spark of deep transformation.

You are the starting point. 



LIMITLESS LIGHT leadHers are now called to grow RICH IN BUSINESS, and all areas of life.


There are 4 levels of Self Mastery. â€‹

  • Opening to the Divine, creating a SPIRITUAL relationship with GOD.


  • Knowing and realising your Divinely Ordained purpose, prospering infinitely as you give this away to those ready to honour the VALUE EXCHANGE.


  • Embodying passion and desire during midlife and menopause awakening.


  • Allowing and receiving all that is required and desired on the physical plane to fully support yourself and live FROM the overflow of wealth. 

What got you here won't get you there.


Are you ready to do life differently?


Set forth a new spark

Break the Cycle of lack and limit

Charge your worth then add VAT.


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